Update for 2022


Previous workshop were with adults at Ausable Optimist Community Centre and Golden Eagle Lodge at KSPFN in 2017-2019.

Susan and Suellen had a dream that maybe we could extend Me,You & Us to youth. Upon request Me,You & Us extended the program to youth, including participants from Ausable Port Franks community centre, Kettle & Stony Point First Nations and Aajwinaang First Nations. Me,You & Us brought youth together using art. The youth program included wonderful youth leaders from KSPFN. The Youth program started with planning meetings in November 2019. The workshops started in December 2019. All leaders were paid for assisting and attending workshops also all participants were provided with art supplies and gift cards. The three months we ran the youth program were very successful.

*The workshop program was reduced by six weeks due to Covid.

The workshop part of program ended a bit earlier than planned. However, we still managed to have some art completed in the workshops, which was framed and exhibited in two art shows as we had previously hoped. The first youth art show was at SAI gallery in Mississauga 2020, this was by invitation from Eagle Spirit Of Great Waters and second was at Lambton Heritage Museum 2021  "We Are Coming Home" Exhibit, Me,You & Us Youth were invited to be a part of this show.

At the end of the Exhibits the framed art was gifted and delivered back to the particpants homes.

Also as a response to Covid 2020, Me,You and Us delivered 67 arts kits door to door to youth homes throughout Lambton Shores: Forest, On, Kettle Point First Nations and Aamjiwnaang First Nations. Me,You & Us purchased art kits from the "Free to Create program" thanks you to Lorie Scott and Sonja Collinet of Ausable Optimists of Port Franks for perparing them, additional art items and books were added to the kits as needed depending on age and interest. 

Overall, We are very proud of the Me, You and Us Youth Leaders and all the participants involved. We all had to change our plans because of Covid but together we tried to make the best of it.

Since 2019, Suellen has been working on "S.H.E. is Healing" a series of portraits depicting the sacred femine healing it's self, eachother and Mother Earth.This series will be exhibited in 2024.


More workshop TBA annouced as requested and when Covid allows.

Me,You & Us-Youth

Me,You & Us -January 2022

Wow we have been apart unable to gather for almost two years!

We look forward to gathering again with youth & elders,and all Humanity.

Until we meet again...I remember your laughter, smiles and tears...I miss you all and send you LOVE.

Intuitive Art Workshop facilitated by

Community Artist Suellen Evoy-Oozeer with Youth, Elders, and Friends creating a community of understanding, kindness & compassion.